Medical staff can get alerts on their TETRA radios. Alerting them as a group saves vital minutes in the race to save a baby's life.
Medical staff can get alerts on their TETRA radios. Alerting them as a group saves vital minutes in the race to save a baby's life.
Babies in Finland’s North Karelia Central Hospital now have an even better chance of a healthy life. This is thanks to two TETRA alerts that bring medical staff running.
The Emergency Caesarean Section alert is set off around 26 times a year. It alerts medical staff to be ready to perform a potentially life-saving delivery. This alert saves a vital three minutes because it gets to all necessary staff at once. It means less time without oxygen for the unborn baby.
There is also a Baby Revive alert, set off when a newborn needs to be resuscitated. This alert is used about once a week to get all the necessary people in place.
Both alerts are made over Finland's VIRVE public safety radio network. The North Karelia Central Hospital also has a general trauma alert in place.
When there is an incident, the emergency response centre sends a trauma alert to the medical unit at the same time as they alert the rescue service. The emergency nurses and the teams at the hospital will know how many patients are coming in, for example.
The trauma alert means that everyone is ready to start working as soon as the patients arrive.
Everything will be ready and the medical teams can begin treatment at once.
Before the trauma alert, it could take as long as 20 minutes to call everyone individually on a cell phone. Now the trauma group alerts everyone at once.
Download the case study which explains how North Carelia hospital in Finland solved their challenge of effective communications for medical teams -
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