PTT queuing for group calls reduces calling congestion. Group calls in a TETRA system are one-way, which means only one person can speak at a time. All the speaker has to do is press and hold the PTT key.
PTT queuing for group calls reduces calling congestion. Group calls in a TETRA system are one-way, which means only one person can speak at a time. All the speaker has to do is press and hold the PTT key.
But what if several people want to talk at once?
1. Without queuing?Life would be very different without queuing. Users would have to keep trying the PTT key and lose their place in line every time. In contrast, users in Airbus TETRA systems stay in the queue as long as they keep the PTT key pressed down. The system then passes the right to speak to the next in line or to the user with the highest priority. |
Little things mean a lot, and PTT queuing is one of those underappreciated features that are vital to clear communications.
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