Tips and best practices

Tetrapol radio shortcuts: Hot button

Tips for accessing functions and folders with the tactical button.

The TPH900 and TPH700 Tetrapol handheld radios from Airbus feature a tactical button, which you can program to:

  • Access your most frequently used functions
  • Switch from one folder to another
  • Access status or SMS applications
  • Access your list of read and unread messages.


You can use the Terminal Programming Station (TPS) to configure your tactical buttons to perform up to five shortcuts. The shortcuts can be:

  • Functions, such as accessing your list of status messages
  • Folders, or accessing sets of talk groups, individual or conference numbers or direct mode groups
  • A combination of functions and folders

(Note: Organizations may also prohibit users from using the TPS to configure their radios.)

Tetrapol radios also offer several other shortcuts. For instance, you can use the TPS tool to program the number keys as shortcuts to functions, such as sending a status message or initiating a call. A long press of the number key will then activate the function.