The best ways that radio communications can serve railways and metro. Radio communication is an important tool for railways and metro. Make sure to consider the following pointers when planning and implementing a comms system.
The best ways that radio communications can serve railways and metro. Radio communication is an important tool for railways and metro. Make sure to consider the following pointers when planning and implementing a comms system.
This is how TETRA radio communication systems from Airbus can meet these three vital needs:
Instant connections are essential in the fast-moving rail environment. Users do not want to wait for call setup. Group calls in TETRA systems by Airbus save time, with a connection delay that is always less than half a second.
Users are on the move all the time in this business. They need to be able to roam anywhere in the network, yet use the same services in the same way.
Priority scanning is another must. Normal scanning allows the radio users to monitor their own talk groups. Priority scanning means that talk groups each have a priority that is specific to an organisation. A radio can scan two or more talk groups while it is engaged in a call. When a higher priority call starts, the radio may leave a current call to join this new call.
These are three additional features that every train operator should have:
Eine Notruftaste ist unabdingbar für die Funkgeräte von Einsatzkräften. Aber wussten Sie schon, wie viele nützliche Funktionen sich für die rote Taste der TETRA-Endgeräte von Airbus programmieren lassen?
Tips para mantener comunicaciones discretas en la policía.
The new TPH900 has advanced features that help officers do their jobs more easily and safely.
Today’s mobile professionals cannot afford to waste time worrying about running into communication blind spots. But how do professional network planners determine whether a network can deliver complete coverage?
Five tips for using the red key.
Acronyms and new terms come up in all discussions, even when meeting mission-critical professionals. How will these new technologies affect the daily work of public safety and other professionals? What should you know about IoT, 5G and Big Data?
Today’s mobile professionals cannot afford to waste time worrying about running into communication blind spots. But how do professional network planners determine whether a network can deliver complete coverage?
Choice is good. But it can be hard sometimes to decide which option is the best. Here are three different approaches for taking networks into the future.
When public safety professionals need to work together under pressure, their communication has to be reliable, as well as very structured and orderly.