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Emergency calls: TETRA systems will connect

Three-level emergency target helps users get through. TETRA systems from Airbus treat emergency calls with extreme priority, pre-empting other calls if necessary.


When an emergency call comes in, it's clearly visible and audible at the receiving end. Whether it's coming into a dispatcher workstation or another radio, team members know immediately that there's an emergency.

Three-level emergency target

To ensure that no emergency call goes unnoticed, Airbus TETRA systems use a "three-level emergency target":

  1. The first call goes to the preferred recipient. A police officer's emergency call might first go to the currently selected group, for instance, alerting the officer's partners.
  2. If there's no response, the call automatically reroutes to the second choice — another group or individual, maybe.
  3. Still no response? The call reroutes to a third recipient — a 112 emergency response centre, for example, where the call would get a response.

In a crisis, the last thing users need is to worry about reaching help. In Airbus TETRA systems, emergency calls will go through.