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Unbeatable in an emergency

The red emergency button on your radio can make a difference between life and death.


Imagine this -

A city anywhere in the world. It’s not quite rush hour yet and a metro train is between stations.

Suddenly, a rowdy group of youngsters start to make trouble and start a fire in the metro carriage. The automated fire alarm alerts the metro driver and the security centre.


The metro driver hits the red emergency button on his radio.

  • He is instantly connected to his controller, top priority
  • This immediately opens the communications
  • The radio communication system will guarantee resources for emergency calls.

You probably already know that such an emergency call would be easy to make and get high priority. But did you know this?

TETRA systems from Airbus offer unbeatable possibilities for emergency calls

Only these systems deliver emergency calls with all of the following:

Unbeatable convenience

The user does not have to worry about the recipient of the emergency call because this is defined in the system. Users in one organisation can all have the same emergency call recipient, or they can have different recipients – it all depends on what is best for them.

Unbeatable choices for recipient

An emergency call can be either an individual call between the person in distress and the dispatcher - or another radio user - or a group call where all group members hear the same emergency calls.

Unbeatable safeguards

To make sure all emergency calls are answered, the call can have up to three possible recipients. If the first choice does not answer, the system will automatically route the call to a second choice, and to a third choice if necessary.

Unbeatable geographical area

The person in danger can make an emergency call to a group no matter where they are in the network area. If they are outside their group area, the system will automatically enlarge the area.

What’s more, any participant in an emergency call can move outside the talk group’s area without losing the connection.

Whatever the circumstance, the emergency call is connected when the TETRA system comes from Airbus.